Globally, at least 2.2 billion people suffer from vision impairment. So, there’s a good chance that you may need some sort of vision correction during your lifetime. If you can’t remember the last eye exam you had, then let this be the month to get back on track.
After all, August is National Eye Exam Month. There’s a reason we have a whole month devoted to eye exams. Getting a regular eye exam is the best way to keep your eyes in great shape. Even if you think all is well, an eye exam is something you really shouldn’t put off. Here’s why.
Early Detection
Vision issues can go undetected for a while. You may think that your vision is pretty good, so that means there isn’t a problem. However, many times only a dilated eye exam can uncover eye diseases in the early stages. And it’s in those early stages when many diseases are at their most treatable. Waiting until there’s a noticeable problem can potentially make it harder to treat.
Signs Of Other Problems
Many people think the eye doctor can only tell you if there’s a problem with your eyes. Your eyes are part of a complex system so when something is wrong, they’re affected too. A thorough eye exam can tell you about other problems. Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other diseases can be spotted through such exams. The doctor will examine the blood vessels, retina, and other parts of the eye to determine if there’s a problem that isn’t directly about your vision.
If you already have glasses or contacts, you may be wondering why you need to have a regular eye exam. They figured out the problem, and now you have glasses. That’s the end of it, right? Not really. As you age your vision will continue to change. So, you could be walking around with the wrong prescription, hurting your ability to help you see clearly. It typically happens slowly so you won’t notice right away. Getting regular eye exams guarantees that you’re using the right prescription lenses.
Your eyes are extremely fragile and important, so get a comprehensive eye exam every 2 years. If you are over 60 go once a year. Prevent and detect any problems so take care of your eyes to make them last a lifetime.
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